Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Brian Head fire rehabilitation treatments underway

A $3 million emergency rehabilitation treatment is currently being implemented in the aftermath of the Brian Head fire. About 119,000 pounds of new seeds have already been dispersed by helicopter onto the 5,000 acres on the most severely burned soil. The seeds were specifically engineered for quick germination and resilience. Crews are now working to top the new seeds with a layer of straw mulch to help foster the new growth. The mulch will also alleviate some of the water runoff.

The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources will plant seeds on up to 20,000 acres in October or November. In total, approximately 25,000 acres could be treated with new seeds prior to the start of winter. The emergency treatment funding will also be used to repair roads and trails. Overall, the total rehabilitation costs are projected to exceed $80 million. The U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management will share the bill with the state since the fire ravaged local, state and federal lands. The Spectrum