Monday, December 23, 2019

St. George Regional Airport plans on future expansion

After recently opening following a four-month closure, St. George Regional Airport officials say the trajectory for passenger growth and future infrastructure improvements is well underway.

Although some of the improvements have already taken place, including expanding the terminal ramp by 110 feet, expanding the Transportation Security Administration’s area and repairing the pavement and roadway at the fuel farm, the next major improvement planned is the construction of several commercial hangars. Within the next two months, construction will begin.

In preparation for the construction, the St. George City Council recently approved the expenditure of $150,000 to cover half of the costs to pay for shared parking at the hangars. The remaining half, along with the cost of constructing the hangars, will be paid for by their owners. The council has also approved an airport budget increase by $404,400 to slightly more than $1.3 million to cover the costs of construction on a building to house the airport’s snow removal equipment. St George News